Feb. 27, 2025

The newest episode of ROCK & ROLL FOR INITIATIVE has been delayed until NEXT THURSDAY. Beginning the following day, we will be taking our mid-season break until APRIL 3RD. We apologize for any inconvenience to your mental, emotional, or dietary health.
Greetings From Your Floundering Fathers!
Salutations! We're emerging from the depths of depravity & dice rolling to impart a few updates to you wonderful listeners!
As Season 1 continues to roll along, we've been developing some plans to help advertise the podcast. As it stands…
Hark! Shred This Info!
Well folks, it's been a helluva year so far here at Rock & Roll for Initiative, and that's due entirely to you! In this past year, our little show has achieved THIRTY-TWO produced episodes, SEVERAL THOUSAND downloads, and MORE THERAPY than …