Feb. 11, 2025
Greetings From Your Floundering Fathers!

We're emerging from the depths of depravity & dice rolling to impart a few updates to you wonderful listeners!
- As Season 1 continues to roll along, we've been developing some plans to help advertise the podcast. As it stands, we're nearing 2K monthly listeners, which is an astounding feat as far as we're concerned, but we're eagerly looking for people to like and review the show. Think of it as a plea, but what we're asking is if you - our fantastic fans - can simply leave us a review on your listening service of choice! This simple action goes a long way towards helping us continue to grow, and would mean the absolute world to the team here at Rock & Roll for Initiative.
- The show will be taking a mid-season break from February 28th through March 27th in order to focus on building up our back catalogue, revamping our PATREON (more on that in a minute), and prepping an advertising campaign. We just finished recording what will become the Season 1 Finale, and need some time to make sure that everything flows exactly how we like it. We are slaves to quality!
- We have been utterly and totally behind on all of our Patreon commitments, and for that we apologize. All of us work full time, some of us have families, and it has been very difficult keeping up with the growth of the show. None of this is said in despair, mind you, merely explanation. With all of that being said, we are planning to take a look at our Patreon Rewards during our upcoming hiatus to attempt and rework things into something feasible given our current commitments. For those of you that are subscribed, we want to THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support!
- We are currently seeking art or artists to help support the show! If you are interested, or know anyone who might be willing to be a part of helping with this, please reach out and contact us!
Thanks so much for journeying with us on our Rock Odyssey. Be sure to tune in for the newest episode when it comes out this week!
The Lewd Lads
🚨DINGUS DELAY🚨The newest episode of ROCK & ROLL FOR INITIATIVE has been delayed until NEXT THURSDAY. Beginning the following day, we will be taking our mid-season break until APRIL 3RD. We apologize for any inconvenience to your mental, emotiona…
Hark! Shred This Info!
Well folks, it's been a helluva year so far here at Rock & Roll for Initiative, and that's due entirely to you! In this past year, our little show has achieved THIRTY-TWO produced episodes, SEVERAL THOUSAND downloads, and MORE THERAPY than …