Sept. 2, 2024

Hark! Shred This Info!

Hark! Shred This Info!

Well folks, it's been a helluva year so far here at Rock & Roll for Initiative, and that's due entirely to you! In this past year, our little show has achieved THIRTY-TWO produced episodes, SEVERAL THOUSAND downloads, and MORE THERAPY than one could ever dream about. Hell yeah! Without our amazing fanbase, this would've never taken off and continued to grow the way that it has, so THANK YOU ALL! 

As you all know, this is a passion-project for our small-yet-swarthy team here. We'd love to be working on this show 24/7, but, alas, we must handle our responsibilities like somewhat reasonable adults. (Disgusting)

With that in mind, we wanted to slide into your DMs to pass along some important info concerning the future, our goals, and all of that happy-stank!

The Show

  • You may have noticed that Cantrips have taken a bit of a backseat in terms of creation. As much as we love doing them, it's currently a bit too much on our fragile lil' schedules to commit to a new piece of content each week. Don't fret, they will return as soon as we have our flow better under control. Speaking of which...
  • We are looking into better streamlining our workflow so as to not force Roger into untold sleepless evenings on production. As our quality has grown over the season, so too has the inevitable time-sink of actually making the episodes. In order to make this happen, our posting schedule is going to go through a brief period of puberty, if you will.
    • EPISODE 20 of Rock & Roll for Initiative will premiere on Thursday, September 12th. There will sadly be no new episode this week. 
    • Following this, the show will take a brief break before returning to a bi-weekly schedule on Thursday, October 3rd
  • If you hadn't noticed, recent episodes have stayed around the 1-Hour mark. Although we love making longer episodes, doing so sacrifices sound-quality in the render. As music lovers/musicians, we feel very strongly that this is unacceptable, so the 1-Hour mark seems to strike the perfect balance. 

The Patreon

  • You patrons are a huge part of keeping us going, and we feel like absolute a#%holes for not being able to keep up with our Patreon content. As we attempt to reconfigure our schedule, please know that getting you what you deserve is at the top of our priority list! Once things are reformatted, we plan to double-down on our Patreon content as soon as possible. Including... 
    • Arkham Horror: A Tear in the Veil is very much coming. Look forward to an eldritch surprise, come this Halloween!

Thanks again to all of you amazing folks for helping to make our inane dreams become a reality. If you haven't already, shoot us an email or message whenever you get a chance! We'd love to connect with more of you!
(Except for you. Neil Diamond)

May Your Wind Forever Break,

The Dudes