Nov. 5, 2023
Season 1 Is Live!

Soundcheck is over, and we've taken the stage!
Rock & Roll for Initiative is now LIVE on all major podcast platforms! Please, tell a friend, drop us a Spotify or Apple Podcasts rating, and tune in every other Wednesday for new episodes!
In addition, if you enjoy what we do, we invite you to check out our new PATREON PAGE. Basic membership is totally free, and includes a special link to our FAN DISCORD CHANNEL!
Welcome to the show everybody! Things are gonna get weird...
- Roger
🚨DINGUS DELAY🚨The newest episode of ROCK & ROLL FOR INITIATIVE has been delayed until NEXT THURSDAY. Beginning the following day, we will be taking our mid-season break until APRIL 3RD. We apologize for any inconvenience to your mental, emotiona…
Greetings From Your Floundering Fathers!
Salutations! We're emerging from the depths of depravity & dice rolling to impart a few updates to you wonderful listeners!
As Season 1 continues to roll along, we've been developing some plans to help advertise the podcast. As it stands…